“Am I Normal?”

Hell no, you’re not normal!

Just kidding, you probably are. But how do you know?

At AWARE Women’s Health we are supporting the Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week, September 5-9, to open discussion about women’s health concerns, even the weird and embarrassing ones that we often ignore- the elephant in the room so to speak.

The theme is “Am I Normal?” and you will see little pink elephants popping up in our office, in fact they’ve moved in already! You will also see posts here on all kinds of health topics.

Anyone who comes into AWARE North Adelaide during Women’s Health Week can receive information and cool give-aways. If you need to see one of our Gynaecologists or women’s health specialist GP’s, make an appointment. Otherwise just pop in. The elephants are in the room and waiting!

Subscribe to our mailing list to receive information about Women’s Health Week and future events, and share this post to spread the word about women’s health.

