At AWARE Women's Health we provide expert assessment of urinary incontinence and genital prolapse by experienced gynecologists and physiotherapist. We provide a complete range of surgical and non-surgical treatments including:

  • Gynaecological assessment and advice

  • Urodynamic bladder function testing

  • Specialist pelvic floor Physiotherapy

  • Pelvic Ultrasound

  • Fitting, instruction and management of vaginal prolapse pessaries

  • Minimally invasive continence surgery and prolapse repair when needed

  • ThermiVa radiofrequency vaginal treatment for mild symptoms

We believe in prevention as well as cure and can help and advise you even if your symptoms are currently mild. 

Before your appointment please fill in the Personal Details and Medical History form, Prolapse and/or Urinary Incontinence questionnaires, as well as the three-day Bladder Diary if possible. Bring them to your appointment or send them to us in advance. 

Please arrive with a moderately full bladder as complete assessment usually includes a voiding bladder study, bladder ultrasound scan and check for infection.

For more information:

Urinary incontinence- the Continence Foundation of Australia

and- the Urogynaecological Society of Australia